def largest(n, nums):
# Initialize max_num variable to store the largest number found
max_num = nums[0]
# Iterate through the list of numbers
for i in range(1,n):
# Compare the current number with current max_num
if nums[i] > max_num:
# Update max_num if current number is greater than current max_num
max_num = nums[i]
# Return the largest number
return max_num
# Prompt user to enter the number of elements
n = int(input("Enter the number of elements: "))
nums = []
# Iterate through n number of inputs
for i in range(n):
# Prompt user to enter number
num = int(input("Enter number: "))
# call function largest
print("Largest number is:", largest(n, nums))
In the above python program to find the largest of n numbers using a user defined functions largest() we have defined a user defined function largest(n, nums)
which takes two arguments, first one is the number of elements n
and second is a list nums
of numbers. Inside the function, I have initialized a variable max_num
to store the largest number found, which is the first element of the list of numbers nums[0]
. Then I have used a for loop to iterate through the list of numbers, comparing each one with the current maximum number, if a larger number is found, it becomes the new maximum number. Finally, the function largest()
returns the largest number that was found. I have used this function to find the largest number in the main program, where I have prompted the user to enter the number of elements and the numbers.